Moving About // 23.04.2024

The 20th was a good day. I've a friend who, up until that day, was stuck in an abusive household. I've been helping 'em move out for a little while now, taking a load of stuff here and a few boxes there, and the 19th was the last one we had to do. The 20th was their flight out of the country, off to (at least) four months in a place they love. They're out. I can't express how good it feels to know that. No more having to hear about crappy people doing horrible things to 'em because there's no care in the brains of the roommates, just happier times from now on. Funnily enough, with picking up and vibing with a friend of the friend (who I think I can now call my friend?), I actually ended up helping someone else in a similar-ish situation move house and get out of their own version of the same. Ain't that neat? I think that was neat. I am taking it a little hard, it's always tough for me to say goodbye to people, but knowing that someone's in a better spot is a lot more important than just having a friend to visit once a month. I just hope I get to see 'em again...

The gym's been going pretty well, my weight ain't moving crazily (-2lbs/week or so) but I do feel a fair bit better the more I do it. The routine is pretty nice: Four days a week, a coworker and I head down the road to the 24/7 joint. I do 20-40mins of cardio, usually hills on a treadmill (if not just climbing an inclinde), and then I pick some muscle group to work on to finish the hour out or just do kinda "full-body" stuff per a few guides around the place. Sure I'm getting home kinda late, 2AM on a good day, but with adjusting my bedtime to 2:30AMish I'm still waking up around like 9AM and having a whole morning to mess about. My legs feel a lot better, I'm picking things up easier, I don't feel nearly as worn out if I'm squatting for a while, and I'm kinda slowly bringing myself to the point where maybe I could try taking a jog. It's pleasant! Soon here I'll start pushing for outdoor hikes in the mornings, the idea is conditioning myself to not die at the upcoming airsoft games which take place in central PA, home to nothing but cattle and hills. I think I'll be alright.

It got brought up to me that the site is going to roll over to six digits on views soon by a buddy, that's kinda neat. I honestly thought I was just a bit over 50k, I try to avoid the view counter at all costs because I feel like staring at it is just going to cause issues in my head. Maybe I'll do something stupid to the site for it? I don't know. I should add an icon, make a new section, or just work on actually populating a page for good. Those would all be kinda useful I guess. Maybe I'll come up with some goofy little ten-liner program...

Apologies for the mild rant but I am starting to get a little nervous, it's four months to CGC (I know, four months is a while. I just like havings things booked and on the calander!) and I still have no reply about getting electrical for the table. I've tried asking damn near every way I have and none are returning a contact. It's not that not having electrical would ruin the show for me, I can do it without it, but I'd really like to do some sort of 10x10 corner with a bunch of cool display systems alongside my bit of stuff to sell! I don't know. I tried the Contact Us box on their page again, I just really hope they get back to me soon...

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