CDP1802's Stuff

Computers Music Games Photography Conventions blog

Sketching Plans // 12.05.2024

An email came in the other day from the people who run CGC. Electrical finally got set up as something that could be added to booths! Woohoo. I finally bought a spot which means I can finally say I'm going this year. I'll start pushing to write more details about plans over in the Conventions section of the site. It was funny to me, I realized that my original plan just wouldn't work because an 8ft table is 2.5ft wide, so I bumped the booth size up an extra ten feet. I guess I just hope that I can keep the area looking at least somewhat fun to stop by, even in the case of most-everything selling out. Would six or eight demo systems in the event of selling everything out do that? I think so. I hope so.

A message got sent out in the Discord server for the airsoft events that info for the first game and a roster draft is being formed/may even be sent out something like this weekend. That's pretty cool. The side I'm on ended up selling out, kinda funny because two people who said they might go with would now have to sign up to play on the other side. It should be a fun time. I'm running with a pretty LARPy group that's modeled after the Penal Legions from Warhammer 40K, I still haven't decided exactly what the character did to get thrown in but I'm sure I'll come up with something in due time.

I've been meaning to take another load of stuff into storage so I guess I'm going to get working on that this morning. I'm pretty tired of the clutter not moving, I'd like to change that, and I've got four empty plastic totes right behind me. May as well get to it.

email: cosmac(at)
coal's server: URGbuzDcvv